20 with $57,747 in DEBT!

“You can wander into debt but you can’t wander out of debt.” – Dave Ramesy So you’re probably wondering how does a 20-year-old has $57,747 worth of debt. I’m pretty sure you guessed it, the majority of the debt was STUDENT LOANS! It all started 7 years ago. I took out my first student loan in order to attend a […]

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The Video That Changed My Life!

“Don’t go broke trying to look rich.” On September 23, 2017, I was scrolling on Facebook and I came across a video by MJ Harris titled “Don’t Go Broke Trying To Impress People.” This video literally changed my perspective on money. For many years, I believed that people with expensive cars, luxurious homes, and designer clothes were the wealthiest people […]

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