How to Create a BOMB Vision Board! | 10 Things You Should Consider!

“Write the vision and make it plain!”

Habakkuk 2:2

Hello 2022!

What better way to start the new year off than with a vision board. Now you may be thinking, ahh too late, I’ve already got mine done or you may be thinking to yourself what is a vision board? Either way, I got you, just keep reading.

For those of you who have already completed their vision boards, Kudos to you! Be sure to check out my vision board checklist down below to make sure your vision board is top-notch and ready to go.

If you’re new to vision board planning let me give you a quick rundown. A vision board is simply a visual representation of your goals. Vision boards can be done physically (paper/pencil) or digitally. Today, I’m going to share with you 10 things you should consider to actually make your vision board work.

1.) Intentionality is key

You must be intentional. Everything must be intentionally planned from setting your goals, to finding images, to designing and displaying your board.

2.) Take time to think/dream

Make time to dream. Cut off social media and take a few hours or days to think about your goals, dreams, and aspirations for the year. Grab a notebook and write everything down. Be as detailed as possible.

3.) Goal Setting- Set SMART Goals

Goal setting is what drives your vision board. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Be sure to include at least 2 smart goals for each of the following areas. 








Here are a few examples of SMART Goals: 

I will spend 1 hour a day on social media. (personal)

I will pay off $5,000 of my student loan debt by October 2022. (financial)

I will read 15 minutes each night before bed. (educational)

I will attend 3 church services each month. (spiritual)

I will plan a family day activity once a month. (relational/social)

I will work out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 20 minutes. (health/wellness)

I will make 30 sales on my product by July 2022. (career/business)

4.) Photos:

📍 Find realistic photos

Many vision boards don’t work because people buy used or new magazines and just clip out whatever photos or phrases they like. If you want your vision board to actually work, it’s important to find pictures that align with your goals. Each photo should symbolize one of your goals for the year. If you want to learn how to swim, find images of someone who looks like you swimming. 

📍 Include pictures of you

Don’t be afraid to add pictures of yourself and your loved ones on your vision board.

📍Create your images. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, make your own images! Canva is a great app you can use to make high-quality images.

📍 Save your images and print your images out in color.

Save all of your photos in one google document. Don’t be cheap and opt for black and white photos. Spend $2-3 to get your images printed out in color. Remember you will be looking at these images for 365 days. 

📍Categorize your photos

If you are a neat freak like me and loves organization, you would appreciate this point. I personally like to place my photos in clusters. All of the photos that represent my financial goals are in one area and all of my career goals are in another area. Clustering your photos will ensure your vision board is easy to understand and it will bring more structure to your board.

5.) Add words or meaningful phrases

Don’t be afraid to add words to your vision board. Include your word for the year and a short definition. Include inspirational quotes and or bible verses. 

6.) Don’t worry about covering the whole board.

Depending on your board size, you may feel compelled to fill the whole board. Don’t. It’s ok to have empty space. Empty space allows you to add more images or phrases to your board throughout the year. 

7.) Do your vision board alone.

This is my biggest tip! Do your vision board on your own. Completing your vision board with friends and family can be fun. But sometimes it could lead to comparison and prevent you from being vulnerable. Remember, in order for your vision board to actually work, you must be intentional and make this board personal.

8.) Take your time.

If you really want a top-notch vision board, it will take a few days to complete. Don’t feel compelled to complete your vision board in one sitting. My most intentional boards took about 4 days to complete.

Day 1: Goal setting and dreaming. 

Day 2: Image searching. 

Day 3: Phrases and quotes searching. 

Day 4 Review day. Add or eliminate photos before printing. 

Day 5 Designing and organizing the board.

9.) Be yourself

Be real. Be yourself. Make it about you. Have fun. Dream big. 

10.) Make your vision board visible

Place your vision board in a place that is visible. Great places to hang vision boards are in your bedroom, in your office space, or next to a mirror. Another way to ensure your vision board is visible is by placing it on all of your devices. I got this tip from Uncle Steve (Steve Harvey) and it really keeps you focused. Your vision board should be your background for all of your devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc) 

Bonus: Frame your vision board

If you really want to elevate your vision board, buy a picture frame and date it. This will really make your vision board top-notch.

If you made it this far, I hope you were able to take away a few tips that could elevate your vision board and make it more effective. Feel free to share your vision board creations with me on IG by tagging me and share in the comments any tips I may have missed that have helped you elevate your vision board! 

Remember you can win not only in your finances but with goal setting, 
